Monday, June 11, 2012

Please Read

Its Meg Here!

Here is ur cance again share as many facts as you know about One Direction! and if you share alot of fact we can get one direction to discover my blog. Harry, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Loius might even comment! All you have to do is be like a One Direction stalker! if i get over 300 page veiws them the will hoopfuly discover my blog! Thanks for trying to help! and if you dont have anny thing nice to say about one direction dont even waste your time to post because many people have been makin enapropret comments on my blog and i dont aprectate it. And i have had to erase alot of comments lately. thatks for you suport! Follow me and comment. P.S. some one please comment or post to tell me how you follow people (That my sound stuipes) i am new at this. Thanks...

xoxoxo Meg


  1. hopefully it works for u i have 1,755 page veiws and no one direction comments but one usual veiwer from the UNITED KINGDOM! good luck meggy <3 u
    ~Morgan Tomlinson
    ps check out my blog @ one or my other one @

  2. good luck i have like 2,00 page veiws and no 1d wish i could! hopfully u do chek out my blog u guys know both urls!
    ~morgan tommo

  3. to follow people you find their follow bar and click joi this site then thats bout it! if u want people to folow your blog add the member widgit to the sodebar or empty space on the blog! miss u so u know text me!
    <3 morgan t
