Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Harry Styles has a Girlfriend? and more...

There was an an add in a magazine that happend to say "Give up ladies your man is taken". They say he was caught kissing Girls!THIS IS NOT TRUE!not to scare you he says "His fans are to important to him and having a girl friends would make his singing career go down. But i would love him any way! thank god my BEST FREIND Sarah (+Morgan) is open Harry :)) and Morgan is open for you Louis :)) love you guys :)Please comment and make sure to viset WWW. Cupcakeandmore.com and WWW.Onedirectionandstuff.com :)) please viset and fallow <3
xoxoxoxo Meg Horan

Monday, June 11, 2012

Please Read

Its Meg Here!

Here is ur cance again share as many facts as you know about One Direction! and if you share alot of fact we can get one direction to discover my blog. Harry, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Loius might even comment! All you have to do is be like a One Direction stalker! if i get over 300 page veiws them the will hoopfuly discover my blog! Thanks for trying to help! and if you dont have anny thing nice to say about one direction dont even waste your time to post because many people have been makin enapropret comments on my blog and i dont aprectate it. And i have had to erase alot of comments lately. thatks for you suport! Follow me and comment. P.S. some one please comment or post to tell me how you follow people (That my sound stuipes) i am new at this. Thanks...

xoxoxo Meg

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Its Meg Here!
I am so sorry about the hold up once again. i am a terrable blogger :)) but i cant wait for one direction and to see niall! and then we will get merried and name a kid Liam :))
~xoxoxo Meg Horan

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Answer The Questions

What it Takes to be a Real One Direction Lover
Are you scared of spoons?
Do you cry when people talk bad about them?
Do you Scream the words of each and ever song when you here them?
Do you know every single thing about them?
Do you love every one of there songs?
Do you cry when of if you ever see them?
Do you think about them every day, every minute, and every hour.
Do you love carrots for Louis?

Monday, May 28, 2012

One Direction Movie!

There is a One Direction movie. It came out May, 13 in Great Britain. It is coming to america in the summer and there NEW summer album is coming out to the Summer us going to be full of One Direction! I hope you are excited like me :) I cant wait for the summer.

Comment below about what you are doing over the summer.

~Meg Horan

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Counting the days

1-D here i come... i can't wait to see ya! so excited :)) Love ya Harry :))

Saturday, May 26, 2012

How am I perfect for Niall??

Sarah and I had so much fun yesterday! it was awesome me and Niall are so perfect for eachother we both can't stop eating!