Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Answer The Questions

What it Takes to be a Real One Direction Lover
Are you scared of spoons?
Do you cry when people talk bad about them?
Do you Scream the words of each and ever song when you here them?
Do you know every single thing about them?
Do you love every one of there songs?
Do you cry when of if you ever see them?
Do you think about them every day, every minute, and every hour.
Do you love carrots for Louis?

Monday, May 28, 2012

One Direction Movie!

There is a One Direction movie. It came out May, 13 in Great Britain. It is coming to america in the summer and there NEW summer album is coming out to the Summer us going to be full of One Direction! I hope you are excited like me :) I cant wait for the summer.

Comment below about what you are doing over the summer.

~Meg Horan

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Counting the days

1-D here i come... i can't wait to see ya! so excited :)) Love ya Harry :))

Saturday, May 26, 2012

How am I perfect for Niall??

Sarah and I had so much fun yesterday! it was awesome me and Niall are so perfect for eachother we both can't stop eating!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Best Freinds and my Love life!

I am in love! this boy is the hottest, sweetest, awesomest, and irsh guy! Because as u guys i knoe i am irsh and i live in ireland! :)) i live in Nialls home town :)) even though i have never seen him or met him i shill love my friends Morgan Tomlinson and Sarah Styles live there to! they go to school with me! they r my best friends! they have a  bolg to you shood really check it out :)) onedirectionandthings.blogspot.com :) hope u like it!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's Meg's sister Laur...

Hey this is Meg's sister all i want to say is i love CARROTS! <3 
love you ~ Laur Wilder :)

1-D and JB?

Did you here about 1-D and JB in the same recording studio! weird...  i wonder what happend there!

Check this out!

Hi this is me again and my best friends Morgan Gabriella and Sarah Stryes have a blog to Omg check it out at onedirectionandthings.blogspot.com its awesome! make sure to comment!
Hi, This is Meg and this is a blog about One Direction!